German Influence on the Military Development of the Ottoman Empire, 1878-1914



Ottoman Empire, German Empire, Military Relations


The Ottoman Empire and the German Empire drew closer after the 1878 Berlin Congress due to their political and military interests. The Germans sought to gain influence in the Middle East to establish political power against the English, French, and Russians. Meanwhile, the Ottoman Empire aimed to avoid isolation and approached the Germans for military development. However, as the process leading to World War I unfolded, the Ottoman Empire found itself compelled to enter the war due to the influence of German loans and military assistance. Substantial loans were obtained for military equipment, and most of these debts were inherited by the Republic of Turkey. Major projects such as the Baghdad Railway and the Hejaz Railway in the early 20th century had both military and political origins. Through these projects, the Ottoman Empire intended to strengthen its central administration in Arab lands and facilitate rapid military mobilization. However, due to obstacles posed by other Western powers, these projects did not achieve their full potential. Nevertheless, the Ottoman Empire fell under German influence in the military sphere. This study focuses on the military aspects of the convergence between the two countries, drawing on archival sources and scholarly works.


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How to Cite

BALI, Y., & TOPRAK, S. (2023). German Influence on the Military Development of the Ottoman Empire, 1878-1914. Journal of Academic Analysis, 1(1), 66–85. Retrieved from